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Internet Rage

So I woke up this morning to see that I have lost internet connection. Now, I figured it was only a temporary thing and it would be back up after breakfast. Sadly, it was more rage inducing than that.

What followed was this. I get back to my room after breakfast and still notice the internet is off. I restart the modem, unplugged it from the router and directly plugged it into my computer, went to the modem/router settings. Did practically everything I can think of. Still nothing.

I’m always extremely reluctant to call tech support because I feel so noob when I do. Despite that I had to suck it up cause I was not going to deal with no internet for a whole day (also considering I had no internet starting in the morning all the way till around 8). So I called up Verizon with my home phone. While doing so I noticed that my connection went up. I quickly hung up and then connection drops. It was one of those “:|” moments. I did it a second time and again internet came back, but also dropped when I hung up. I ended up calling from my cell and I got the generic run down of what to do (ie: restart computer, restart modem, etc etc). This is not where most of my rage is.

As they were going through the list, before they said they would put me down for service, they told me to try using another phone line to my modem. Now, I doubted them because it was fine as of 2am in the morning and I was sure I didn’t do anything crazy when I went to bed. HOWEVER, I did as they told me anyways out of amusement and sure enough my internet came back. All I can say is, I felt like I was given a giant middle finger by Verizon and it feels bad to be out troubleshooted by a tech support personnel.

tl;dr At first I was like :( then I was like :| but then I was like ‘FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF’ but now I’m like orz.

  1. September 2, 2010 at 11:20 PM

    You will never beat tech support. Those goddamn Indians and their quasi-British accents.

  2. Araragi
    October 14, 2010 at 7:44 PM

    LOL, now that’s bad.
    Having a crappy internet connection
    seems pretty stupid. What can you call that, oh right!
    Retarded connecting measures, yeah?

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